Slingshot - winner of sectors - ible Airvida - Wearable Air Purifier

ible Tech. wins “Winner of Sectors” prize at SLINGSHOT 2019

Every year in Singapore, the most disruptive and innovative technologies take the spotlight at SLINGSHOT, the hottest deep tech startup pitching competition in Asia. At SLINGSHOT 2019, the world’s most promising startups across six industry tracks – from manufacturing, logistics and transportation, to urban solutions, consumer products & services – competed for more than S$2 million in prizes in front of a judging panel comprising high-profile investors, corporates and industry experts.


During one week of pitching and competition with 2,400 worldwide teams, ible Tech. was selected to grand final round and at the end won “Winner of Sectors” prize from consumer products & services sector. Thanks to ible’s wearable air purifier series, Airvida – Its unique design, air-purifying effectiveness, and cutting-edge creativity, are the 3 main reasons which caught jury’s attention and finally won the prize.


PM2.5, hay fever and allergens are critical issues for our daily life. ible Tech., the leading air purifying technology company, will continuously develop the purifying technology to make our loved ones better.


The related news can be referred as the following.

